
Results for "hav"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. to be aired, be ventilated. 2. (for an aircraft) to take off, become airborne; (for a kite) to catch the wind. 3. (for a bird) to take wing, fly away. 4. to become restless. 5. to become frivolous and irresponsible.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. assignment, referral (of a matter to another person or office). 2. money order. 3. infantile convulsions; eclampsia. 4. board fence, Brit. hoarding (around a building site). 5. (something´s) being situated so that it overlooks or looks out on (something else). 6. (something´s) being too high. etmek /ı, a/ 1. to assign, transfer, or endorse (something) over to (another). 2. to refer (a matter) to (another person or department). gelmek 1. for a money order to come. 2. to have convulsions; to have an attack of eclampsia. göndermek/yollamak to send a money order.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. top-heavy. 2. unwieldy, bulky. 3. screened with a board fence. 4. situated so that it overlooks or looks out on (another place). 5. (ship) which rides too high above the water. 6. prone to having convulsions; eclamptic.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
money order.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. having (a specified kind of) weather. 2. airy, well-ventilated. 3. (someone) who has a distinct and intriguing manner, who has style. 4. unable to buckle down to work, restless. 5. pneumatic. korna/klakson air horn, pneumatic horn. süspansiyon air suspension.