
Results for "yaka"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. hypocrite. 2. hypocritical. 3. pharisaical person. 4. sanctimonious, pharisaical.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. hypocrisy. 2. sanctimoniousness, pharisaism.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. collar. 2. side (of a stream, body of water, or street). sı açılmadık unheard-of (curse, obscenity). sına asılmak/yapışmak /ın/ to hound, badger, bedevil, not to leave (someone) in peace. dan atmak /ı/ to get rid of, get shut of. sını bırakmamak /ın/ not to leave (someone) in peace, to hound, badger, bedevil. bir tarafta, paça bir tarafta very disheveled. yı ele vermek to get caught, be collared. dan geçirmek /ı/ to adopt (a child). ısırmak to say God forbid! in horror. sını kaptırmak /a/ to let oneself get deeply involved with (someone); to let oneself get deeply entangled in (something). yı kurtarmak/sıyırmak /dan/ to manage to escape from; to free oneself from. paça by main force. paça etmek /ı/ to remove (someone) by main force; to throw (someone) out (by main force). silkmek /dan/ to get fed up with (someone).
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
fuel (for heating).
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
/ı/ 1. to catch; to collar, nab; to seize, grab, get hold of. 2. to catch (fish, birds, etc.). 3. to spot, detect, notice, see. 4. to regard (someone) as responsible, hold (someone) responsible.