Results for "ALP"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-ni honeycomb.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
castanet, finger cymbal.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-ti 1. dreamer, castle-builder, builder of castles in the air, fantast. 2. inclined to fantasize, dreamy.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. fantasizing, dreaming, castle-building. 2. inclination to fantasize, dreaminess.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-bi 1. heart. 2. heart disease. 3. cardio-, cardi-. 4. cardiac. 5. sensitivity, sympathetic nature. 5. center, innermost part, heart. acısı deep sorrow. ini açmak /a/ to bare one´s soul (to). ağrısı 1. path. cardiodynia. 2. lovesickness, heartache. ameliyatı heart surgery. atışı heartbeat. i atmak 1. (for one´s heart) to beat. 2. to have one´s heart jump (for joy, with excitement or fear). biçiminde heart-shaped, cordiform, cordate. i bozuk malevolent. bölgesi cardiac region. i bütün openhearted, candid, honest. cerrahisi heart surgery. ini çalmak /ın/ to steal (one´s) heart. çarpıntısı tachycardia, palpitation of the heart. i çarpmak 1. (for one´s heart) to palpitate, flutter. 2. (for one´s heart) to beat wildly with excitement, race. ini/inin sesini dinlemek to obey the dictates of one´s heart. ine doğmak to have a presentiment, have a feeling. e dokunmak to hurt someone´s feelings, sadden someone. inin en gizli köşesinde in the innermost recesses of one´s heart. i fesat envious, grudging. ten gelen sincere, heartfelt, from the heart. i geniş carefree, easygoing, happy-go-lucky. ine girmek /ın/ to win the heart (of). ine göre after one´s own heart. hastalığı heart disease. hastalıkları uzmanı/mütehassısı heart specialist, cardiologist. hastası cardiac patient. ilacı heart medicine. ine işlemek /ın/ to stir the heart (of), strike (a person) to the quick. kalbe karşıdır. proverb Close friends instinctively know each other´s thoughts and actions. i kanamak to suffer mental anguish, feel very sad. kapağı anat. cardiac valve. i kararmak to lose one´s (religious) faith, leave the ranks of the faithful. karıncığı anat. ventricle. kası anat. myocardium. ini kazanmak /ın/ to win the heart (of). ini kırmak /ın/ to hurt (someone´s) feelings. i kırık (someone) whose feelings are hurt. inden kopmak to be heartfelt, be done or given generously and impulsively. krizi heart attack. kulakçığı anat. auricle, atrium. kuvvetlendirici heart stimulant. masajı heart massage. ini okumak /ın/ to understand instinctively (another´s) feelings. i olmak to have a weak heart, suffer from heart trouble. olmamak /da/ to be merciless. i parça parça olmak to feel great pity. i rahat relieved, comforted. sektesi heart attack. i sıcak warmhearted. i sıkışmak to have a sudden chest pain. sıkışması sudden chest pain. i sızlamak to feel very sad inwardly. i temiz kindly, well-meaning. üfürümü med. heart murmur. ini vermek /a/ to give one´s heart (to). vuruşu palpitation of the heart. yetersizliği/kifayetsizliği path. cardiac insufficiency. in yolu mideden geçer. proverb The way to someone´s heart is through his stomach.