Results for "KÂLÂ"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. to change, alter, become changed, become altered. 2. to metamorphose, undergo metamorphosis.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,çalkama 1. shaking, shake, agitating, agitation. 2. tossing (something) about. 3. shaking up; beating; whipping; churning. 4. rinsing (dishes, one´s mouth). 5. sieving (grain) (by shaking it). 6. (a woman´s) wiggling (her hips); (a belly dancer´s) wiggling (her stomach). 7. upsetting, turning (one´s stomach). çalkama ayran shaken or churned ayran.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,çalkamak /ı/ 1. to shake, agitate. 2. to toss (something) about. 3. to shake up; to beat; to whip; to churn. 4. to rinse (dishes, one´s mouth). 5. to sieve (grain) (by shaking it). 6. (for a woman) to wiggle (her hips); (for a belly dancer) to wiggle (her stomach). 7. (for a brooding hen) to rotate (her eggs). 8. to upset, turn (one´s stomach).
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,çalkanmak 1. to be shaken, be agitated. 2. to be tossed about. 3. to be shaken up; to be beaten; to be whipped; to be churned. 4. (for dishes, one´s mouth) to be rinsed. 5. (for grain) to be sieved (by shaking it). 6. (for eggs) to go bad. 7. (for one´s stomach) to get upset. 8. (for a sea, a lake) to billow, get rough. 9. to pulsate, pulse, vibrate (with a feeling). 10. /da/ (for news, a rumor) to echo around, reverberate around (a place); /la/ (for a place) to be talking about nothing but (a specified piece of news). 11. (for a ship) to roll from side to side. 12. (for a woman´s hips) to wiggle; (for a belly dancer´s stomach) to wiggle.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,çalkatmak /ı, a/ 1. to have (someone) shake or agitate (something). 2. to have (someone) toss (something) about. 3. to have (someone) shake, beat, whip, or churn (something). 4. to have (someone) rinse (dishes, his/her mouth). 5. to have (someone) sieve (grain) (by shaking it).