Results for "PR"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
saddlecloth, shabrack.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-nı bot. petal.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
bot. petaled, petalous.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. earth, soil; dirt. 2. land. 3. elec. ground, Brit. earth. 4. earthen, earthenware, made of clay. 5. unpaved, dirt (road). 6. slang heroin, skag. ına ağır gelmesin. I don´t like to speak ill of the dead, but ... (said when one is about to say something uncomplimentary about a dead person). aşınması geol. soil erosion. atmak to move earth. a bakmak to be nearing death, be at death´s door, have one foot in the grave. ı bol olsun. May he rest in peace (said of a non-Muslim). çekmek to haul earth (from one place to another). ı çekmek /ı, ın/ for the earth (of a place not one´s home) to call (one) to it (said of someone who has died and been buried in a place he was only visiting temporarily). doyursun gözünü. Nothing on earth can satisfy you!/Your greed is insatiable! a düşmek (for a dead person) to be buried. a girmek to be dead and buried. işi earthenware. kayması landslide, slump. T Mahsulleri Ofisi the Agricultural Products Bureau (a government agency). makinesi earthmover. reformu land reform. rengi 1. earth color. 2. earth-colored. sahibi landowner. a verilmek to be buried. a vermek /ı/ to bury (a dead person).
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-nı 1. subsoil, substratum, underground. 2. underground, situated underground.