Results for "SES"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. sound; noise. 2. voice. almak to record sounds. i ayyuka çıkmak to shout to high heaven, be heard clear to China. çıkarmak 1. to voice one´s opinion. 2. to say something. çıkarmamak 1. to raise no objection. 2. to keep quiet, not to say anything. ini çıkarmamak to keep one´s opinions to oneself, keep quiet. çıkmamak /dan/ 1. for nothing to be heard from, for no word to come from. 2. for no reaction to be shown by. 3. for no sound to be heard in (a place). i çıkmamak 1. to raise no objection. 2. to keep quiet, not to say anything. i çıkmaz taciturn. düşmesi ling. hyphaeresis. etmek 1. to make a noise. 2. /a/ to shout to; to call. ikilemesi/ikizlenmesi ling. gemination. kakışımı ling. cacophony. ini kesmek 1. to stop talking, shut up. 2. /ın/ to stop (someone) talking, shut (someone) up. ini kısmak to lower the volume of, turn down (a radio, television, etc.). kirişleri/şeritleri/telleri vocal cords. kuşağı 1. tape (used for recording sounds). 2. cin. sound track. olmamak for no sound to be heard (in a place), (for a place) to be completely silent. seda yok. Not a word has been heard from him/them/there. i soluğu çıkmamak 1. to raise no objection. 2. to keep quiet, not to say anything. i soluğu kesilmek 1. to become completely silent. 2. to die. türemesi ling. epenthesis. vermemek not to answer, not to reply. yitimi path. aphonia. yolu 1. track (on a tape used for recording sounds). 2. cin. sound track.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
tape recorder.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-ni phonetics.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :