Results for "TAB"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
work of a tanner, tanning.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. sole (of a foot or shoe). 2. floor. 3. base; pedestal; foundation. 4. floor (of a valley, river, lake, sea); bed (of a road). 5. flat top (of a hill, mountain, etc.). 6. econ. floor, lower limit or base. 7. math. base, base plane, base line. 8. iron of good quality. 9. prov. roller (used to smooth the surface of a field). basma a wrestling hold in which a wrestler plants one foot on his opponent´s stomach and twists his opponent´s chin and shoulder. boya undercoat (of paint). dağ flat-topped mountain, table mountain. fiyat/fiyatı the minimum price (set by the state for an agricultural commodity). halısı large rug (for a room, as opposed to a corridor or flight of stairs). inciri fig that has been flattened and then dried. ları kaldırmak colloq. to run fast, run like anything; to run away, make tracks. kirişi common joist, floor joist. a kuvvet! colloq. We´ve no choice but to hoof it! a kuvvet used to indicate walking or running: Oraya tabana kuvvet gittim. I footed it over there. Tabana kuvvet kaçtık. We took to our heels. patlatmak to walk, hoof it (a long way). tabana zıt 1. /a/ diametrically opposite (to), antipodal (to). 2. completely dissimilar, totally unlike, very different, antipodal. 3. complete opposite. tahtası (a) floorboard. tepmek to walk, hoof it (a long way). ları yağlamak 1. to get ready to hoof it a long way. 2. to run fast, run like anything; to make tracks, beat it.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. pistol; revolver. 2. spray gun, sprayer (for paint). 3. slang bottle of raki or wine. atmak /a/ to fire a pistol or revolver (at). boyası paint designed to be used in a spray gun. çekmek /a/ to draw or pull a pistol or revolver (on) (someone).
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. (something) which lacks a sole, floor, or base. 2. cowardly, lily-livered.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. lack of a sole, floor, or base. 2. cowardice, cowardliness.