Results for "ZÎ"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. what is left over, excess, surplus: Ziyadesini bana ver! Give me what´s left over. 2. courtyard (of a mosque). 3. a lot of, much; many: O günlerde ziyade yiyecek vardı. In those days food was plentiful. 4. excessive; too much; too many. 5. /dan/ more, greater: Ecmel´in tecrübesi Ekmel´inkinden ziyade. Ecmel´s more experienced than Ekmel. 6. /dan/ rather than, more than: Burası, evden ziyade müzeye benziyor. This place is more like a museum than a house. Matematikten daha ziyade tarihi seviyor. He likes history more than he does math. 7. very, extremely, exceedingly. 8. excessively, too. 9. (doing something) a lot, a great deal, considerably, greatly, much. 10. (doing something) to an excessive degree, overmuch. 11. needless, unnecessary. 12. needlessly, unnecessarily. siyle 1. very, extremely, exceedingly: ziyadesiyle çalışkan very hard-working. 2. excessively, too. 3. (doing something) a lot, a great deal, considerably, greatly, much. 4. (doing something) to an excessive degree, overmuch. olsun! Thank you very much! (said to someone after eating something he/she has offered one).
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-ti lavish meal; banquet, feast. çekmek/vermek /a/ to give (someone) a lavish meal or banquet; to hold a lavish meal or banquet in (someone´s) honor.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
loss; damage; harm. etmek 1. /ı/ to waste. 2. to suffer a loss. olmak to go to waste, go for nothing, be wasted. ı yok. colloq. Never mind!/Forget it!/No harm done! zebil olmak colloq. to go to waste, go for naught, be wasted.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
destructive (person, animal).
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :