
Results for "ama"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
/ı/ to whet (a metal blade) so as to remove the filings adhering to it.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. time: Zaman nehir gibi akıyor. Time flows like a river. Bana zaman lazım. I need time. Fatoş´un zamanı az. Fatoş has little time to spare. ışık söndürme zamanı lights-out. 2. time, season: Yenidünya zamanı geldi. Loquats are now in season. 3. age, era, epoch: zamanın âlimleri the learned men of the age. 4. (a person´s) youth or prime; the time when one was engaged in a particular activity: Benim zamanımda bu işyerinin yönetim biçimi bambaşkaydı. This office was run quite differently in my time. 5. the right time or the time appointed (to do something): Artık bu işin zamanı geldi. It´s now the right time to do this job. 6. free time: Bugün hiç zamanım yok. I´ve no free time today. 7 gram. tense. 8. mus. time, meter, rhythm. 9. geol. era. 10. when: geldiği zaman when he came. ında at the proper time, at the right time. la with time, as time passes/ passed. belirteci gram. adverb of time. bırakmak /a/ to set aside time for, leave time for (something). birimi unit of time. eki gram. temporal suffix (for a verb). ı geçmek 1. to be out of date, be outmoded. 2. (for something) to expire, become void (as a result of the passage of time). 3. (for a fruit or vegetable) no longer to be in season. 4. (for an activity) no longer to be appropriate to the time of year. 5. (for something) to be of no use (because it´s too late): Özür dilemenin zamanı geçti artık. It´s now too late to apologize. kazanmak 1. to save time. 2. (for someone) to gain time. kollamak to be on the lookout for a suitable opportunity, bide one´s time. öldürmek to kill time. sana uymazsa sen zamana uy. proverb If the times don´t conform to you, then you should conform to the times. a uymak to conform to the age in which one lives, move with the times, keep in step with the times. vermek /a/ to set aside time (for) (something). zaman from time to time, occasionally, every now and then, every now and again, every so often. zarfı gram. adverb of time.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-nı law 1. prescription. 2. limitation, time limit. na uğramak to become invalid after a period of time has elapsed.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. contemporaneous; synchronous. 2. isochronal, isochronous.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. contemporaneity, contemporaneousness; synchronism, synchronicity. 2. isochronism.