
Results for "aygın"

Names Dictionary


(Names Dictionary) :
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Turkish - English dictionary

aygın baygın

(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. languid. 2. /a/ languishing for. 3. languidly.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. unconscious (as a result of having fainted). 2. languid, languishing, amorous (look, glance). 3. delicately sweet (fragrance). 4. slow and melting (sound). 5. /a/ very fond of, crazy about, nuts about: Biz Nurbanu´ya baygın değiliz a! We aren´t nuts about Nurbanu. 6. droopy, drooping (plants which need water). düşmek to feel ready to drop, feel like collapsing (from exhaustion).
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. to cast amorous glances. 2. to become listless and droopy-eyed.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. fainting spell, fainting fit, (a) faint, swoon; unconsciousness. 2. feeling of faintness, feeling as if one might faint. 3. listlessness; languor. 4. droopiness (of plants which need water). 5. feeling hungry. 6. languidness, amorousness (of a look or glance). 7. delicate sweetness, soft sweetness (of a fragrance). 8. slow and melting quality (of a sound). geçirmek to faint, swoon. gelmek 1. to find someone or something tedious in the extreme. 2. to feel faint, feel on the verge of fainting. getirmek /a/ 1. to bore (someone) to death, fill (someone) with boredom. 2. to make (someone) feel faint.