(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. Turkish-style, done after the Turkish manner; patterned on a Turkish model; typically Turkish. 2. (someone) who is very Turkish in his/her manners, behavior, or outlook, typically Turkish. 3. according to the old Turkish system of reckoning time, Turkish time: Alaturka saat birde gel. Come at one o´clock Turkish time. 4. (doing something) after the Turkish manner. müzik traditional Turkish music (as opposed to Turkish music composed according to Western musical concepts). tuvalet Turkish-style toilet, toilet which lacks a bowl and a seat.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. composer of traditional Turkish-style music. 2. lover of traditional Turkish music. 3. performer or singer of traditional Turkish music.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
to become very Turkish in one´s ways, manners, or outlook, become typically Turkish.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
Turkish manners, Turkish ways, (a) Turkish outlook; Turkishness.