
Results for "aynı"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. the same; identical; equal: Bu aynı manto. This is the same coat. Aynı ehemmiyette olan bir meseleyi açmak istiyorum. I want to open a question of equal importance. Aynı can sıkıcı lafları tekrarladı. He repeated the same boring phrases. Notlarımız aynı. Our grades are the same. 2. the same: Aynını istiyorum. I´ll have the same. Bu bileziğin aynını yapabilir misin? Can you make a duplicate of this bracelet? ağzı kullanmak to say essentially the same thing. fikirde olmak to be of the same opinion, think the same, feel the same. kapıya çıkmak to come to the same thing, amount to the same thing. şekilde in the same way. telden çalmak to say essentially the same thing. nı yapmak /ın/ 1. to do the same thing (which someone else has done). 2. to make a copy of, duplicate, reproduce. yolun yolcusu olmak to be headed in the same direction, be fated for the same bad end (as another, as others). zamanda 1. at the same time, simultaneously: Alp ve Aslan aynı zamanda doğdu. Alp and Aslan were born at the same time. 2. at the same time, yet, however, nevertheless: O hafta briç turnuvasına katıldı, aynı zamanda bütün sınavlarını büyük bir başarıyla verdi. That week he played in the bridge tournament, at the same time he passed all his exams with high marks.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
identity, sameness.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
see aynısefa.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
calendula; pot marigold, Scotch marigold.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
colloq. 1. exactly as ..., in exactly the same way as .... 2. (repeating something) verbatim, word for word; note for note. 3. (reproducing something) exactly, so that it is exactly like the original, as it is, with no change. 4. (surviving) without having suffered any change, unchanged. 5. (accepting a proposal) exactly as it is, without making any changes. 6. (doing something) exactly as directed.