insane person
(English - Turkish Dictionary) :
(English - Turkish Dictionary) :
s. hijyenik olmayan, sağlığa zararlı.
(English - Turkish Dictionary) :
i. delilik, cinnet.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. person, someone, human being, man. 2. the human race, man, mankind: Allah insanı yarattı. God created man. 3. decent person, upright person: İnsan gibi yaşamadı. He didn´t live as a decent person should. İnsan gibi çalış! Do your work as it should be done! 4. one, you: İnsan büyüğüyle öyle konuşmaz. One doesn´t speak that way to one´s superior. İnsana güven veren bir sesi var. He has a voice that inspires trust. 5. decent, upright, good (person): Yümni insan bir adam. Yümni´s a decent fellow. ın adı çıkacağına canı çıksın./ın/adamın/bir kimsenin adı çıkmadansa canı çıkması yeğdir/hayırlıdır. proverb It is better to die than to get a bad reputation. beşer, kuldur (bazen) şaşar. proverb Nobody is perfect./Everybody makes mistakes. eti yemek colloq. to backbite, slander a person. evladı good person, decent person, person of integrity. gibi decently, properly, in an acceptable way, like a human being. hakları human rights. İ Hakları Beyannamesi hist. the Declaration of the Rights of Man. İ Hakları Evrensel Beyannamesi the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (made by the U. N.). hali human nature. hali. colloq. Human nature is just that way. içine çıkmak to go out in public; to mix with people. kıtlığı scarcity of capable people. kıtlığında As there is no one better at this time, .... konuşa konuşa/söyleşe söyleşe, hayvan koklaşa koklaşa. proverb Animals communicate by sniffing; people by talking. kurusu 1. very thin person, bag of bones, scarecrow 2. very thin, (someone) who is nothing but skin and bones. müsveddesi 1. sorry apology for a human being, sorry excuse for a human being (said of a morally contemptible person). 2. (someone) who is a sorry apology for a human being. sarrafı 1. a good judge of people. 2. (someone) who is a good judge of people. türü Homo sapiens. yedisinde ne ise yetmişinde de odur. proverb A person´s character does not change with time.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :