
Results for "kâr"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,yakarış 1. begging, imploring. 2. prayer, entreaty.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
/a/ to beg, implore, entreat.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
naut. 1. north-northwest wind. 2. north-northwest (a point on the compass).
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. upper part; upstairs. 2. upper; upstairs: yukarı daire the upstairs flat. Yukarı Mısır Upper Egypt. 3. upper, superior in social position: yukarı sınıf upper class. 4. (moving) up; (going) upstairs: Yukarı çıktı. He went upstairs. da 1. above; upstairs. 2. (holding one´s head) high: Başı yukarıda yürürdü. She would walk with her head held high. dan 1. from above. 2. from upstairs. 3. from the boss; from the top brass; from above, from the top. dan almak to behave in an aggressive, unyielding manner; to show an unwillingness to compromise. dan bakmak /a/ to look down one´s nose at, regard (someone, something) with disdain. dan aşağı süzmek /ı/ to give (someone) the once-over, scrutinize (someone) appraisingly from head to toe. tükürsem bıyık, aşağı tükürsem sakal. colloq. I´m faced with an impossible choice./I´m damned if I don´t (do it), and I´m damned if I do (do it)./I´m sitting on the horns of a dilemma.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-nı disgrace; disgraceful person, situation, or thing.