
Results for "bağlama"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. tying; binding. 2. a plucked instrument with three double strings and a long neck. 3. brace, crossbeam. 4. mech. coupling. 5. ling. liaison. limanı naut. home port, port of registry.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
a person who plays, makes, or sells a bağlama.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. /ı, a/ to tie (someone, something) to; to bind (someone, something) to; /ı, la/ to tie (someone, something) up (with): Saçını kırmızı kurdeleyle bağladı. She tied up her hair with a red ribbon. 2. /ı/ to tie (one´s shoes, one´s shoelaces, a tie, a ribbon). 3. /ı/ to bandage, bind up (a wound). 4. /ı/ to gird on (one´s sword). 5. /ı/ to tie (something) up in a bundle. 6. /a, ı/ to put (someone) on (a salary); to assign (someone) a regular supply of (rations). 7. /ı/ (for something) to bind, be binding upon (someone). 8. /ı/ to finalize (a business deal); /ı, a/ to draw up or make (a contract) for (a project, an activity): O işi bağladık. We´ve finalized that deal. 9. /ı, a/ to make (someone) devoted to, bind (someone) to. 10. /ı/ to tie (someone) down, limit the scope of (someone´s) activities; to constrain; to fetter. 11. /ı/ to cross (one´s arms). 12. (for a skin) to form (on milk, yogurt); (for ice) to form (on the surface of a body of water); (for a wound) to get (a scab) on it, scab over; (for the chimney of a lamp) to get (sooty): Yoğurt kaymak bağladı. The yogurt´s skinned over. Bu şişeler çok is bağladı. These lamp chimneys have gotten very sooty. 13. /ı/ prov. to block; to dam, dam up; to stop the flow of. 14. /ı/ to shut (a door).