
Results for "bere"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. bruise. 2. dent.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-ti 1. abundance, plenty; increase; fruitfulness. 2. blessing; divine gift. 3. fortunately, thank heaven. 4. prov. rain. boynuzu cornucopia, horn of plenty. i içinde. There´s not much, but it´s enough. ini gör. May it (i.e. the money paid to the merchant) benefit you! (said by a customer as a reply to the formula, Bereket versin! said by a merchant). ki/bereket versin ki Thank goodness .../Thank God ...: Bereket ki kafa kâğıdımı unutmadım. Thank goodness I didn´t forget my identity card. tanrıçası fertility goddess. versin! Enjoy it!/May you benefit from it! (said by a seller to a customer at the conclusion of a sale). versin see bereket ki.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
to increase; to proliferate.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. fruitful, bounteous. 2. fertile, productive, fructuous. 3. (food) a little of which goes a long way, a little of which can be made to go a long way, a small amount of which will make a dish that will feed many people. 4. (money) which brings satisfaction to its possessor. olsun! May it be plentiful! (said to a person who is working in the fields or eating).