
Results for "aman"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
large fishing boat. ağı seine.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. Oof!/God!/Lord!/Lord help us! (indicating disgust or anger). 2. Please!/For goodness sake! 3. My! (indicating great approbation). 4. mercy. Allah/Allahım! 1. God!/God have mercy! (indicating fear or amazement). 2. Oh Lord!/Oh God!/Lord help us! (indicating disgust or displeasure). aman (bir şey) olmamak not to be anything special. bulmak to escape, be saved. dedirtmek /a/ to make (someone) give up, make (one) yield. demek to ask for mercy; to surrender. derim! Don´t you do it!/Beware of doing such a thing! dilemek /dan/ to ask (one) for mercy. gayret! Keep on!/ Hold on! a gelmek to give up and submit. a getirmek /ı/ to make (someone) give up, make (one) yield. ı kesilmek 1. to be too weak to plead for mercy. 2. to have nobody to turn to for help. vermek /a/ to grant (one) his life, spare (one´s) life. vermemek /a/ 1. not to give (someone) a chance. 2. to kill (someone) without compunction. zaman a plea for mercy. zaman bilmemek/dinlememek to be implacable, refuse all pleas. zaman vermemek /a/ to beat (someone) without mercy. ı zamanı yok. There is no trying to get out of it; you must.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
colloq. Oh my!/What now!
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. merciless. 2. inexorable, cruel. 3. cruel, unsparing, ruthless (disease). hastalık colloq. cancer. taraftan yakalamak /ı/ to attack (someone) at his weak point.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. merciless, implacable. 2. mercilessly, implacably.