(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. /ı, a/ to have (someone) bite or bite into, have (someone) take a bite out of, have (someone) take a nibble of (something). 2. /ı/ to have (something) serrated or notched.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
/ı/ 1. to widen, broaden, make (something) spread out. 2. to make (something) spacious, extend, expand. 3. to dilate, make (something) dilatate. 4. lit. to expatiate upon, amplify on, expand on/upon, enlarge on.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
/ı/ 1. to run, operate. 2. slang to deceive (someone) by inventing a story; to make fun of, hoodwink. 3. to cause (a wound) to form pus.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
/ı/ 1. to dirty, soil. 2. to spoil, foul (something) up, make a mess of, Brit. make a balls-up of.