
Results for "yaş"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. age (of a person): Kaç yaşındasın? How old are you? Şebnem on yedi yaşındadır. Şebnem is seventeen years old. 2. age, period, time, stage (of life): Her yaşın ayrı sorunları var. Every stage of life presents a person with a different set of problems. ını (başını) almak to be old. ına başına bakmadan (doing something) without stopping to consider whether or not it behooves one´s years (said disapprovingly). ı benzemesin. May he not go to such an early grave! (said when comparing someone living to someone who died young). günü birthday. haddi 1. age limit. 2. mandatory retirement age. ı ne, başı ne? colloq. He´s too young and inexperienced to do this./He´s still wet behind the ears. yetmiş, iş bitmiş. 1. proverb Once a person has reached seventy, he´s no longer able to work very efficiently. 2. He´s old and past it./ I´m on the shelf (said of or by an old person).
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. life; course of existence; state of existence (as a human being). 2. life, lifetime. alanı psych. life space. biçimi way of life. süresi life-span.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
for life, for the duration of someone´s life.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. to live. 2. /da/ to live in, inhabit. 3. /ı/ to have, experience, or enjoy (a period of time, spell of weather): Savaş yıllarını yaşadılar. They experienced the war years. Güzel bir sonbahar yaşıyoruz. We´re enjoying a beautiful fall. 4. /la/ to live on (a certain amount of money, food, etc.). 5. to live well, enjoy life; to live in clover, have it made. Yaşa! 1. Thanks a lot!/Thanks a million! 2. Hurrah!/Hurray!/Bravo! 3. Well done!/Good for you! Yaşadık! We´re in clover!/We´ve got it made!
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :