(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. (food) to which something bitter has been added, bitter. 2. (food) to which something peppery has been added, hot, peppery. 3. (someone) who is mourning; grief stricken; mournful. 4. mournfully.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. bitterness, bitter taste. 2. hotness, pepperiness (in the taste of something). 3. rancidness (of butter); sourness (of wine). 4. bitterness, penetrating nature (of cold or wind). 5. poignancy; pain; sadness. 6. causticity, hurtfulness, acerbity, bitingness (of words). 7. harshness, severity (of an action). 8. painfulness, extreme disagreeableness. 9. rather glaring nature (of a color).
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. urgent. 2. swift, quick. durum emergency. servis emergency room (in a hospital). şifalar dilemek /a/ to wish (someone) a speedy recovery (from an illness or injury). vaka emergency.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
without delay, hastily; urgently.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
cin. shooting a scene from several angles.