
Results for "çekmek"

Dream Dictionary of Phrase


(Dream Dictionary of Phrase) :
Yağ satan kimseyi görmek fazilet ve irfan sahibi kimseye; Mecaz anlamda yağcı (yağ çeken kimse) görmek iki yüzlü, riyakar kimseye delalet eder. ( Ayrıca Bakınız; Yaltaklık.)
Islamic Glossary


(Islamic Glossary) :
Müşterek malın ortaklar arasında çekim yoluyla taksîm edilmesine verilen isim.Hâkimin bir malı, buna müşterek mâlik olan ortaklar arasında kur'a ile taksim ettiktensonra, ortaklardan bâzısı, çekilen kur'adan vazgeçemez. (İbn-i Âbidîn)Mülk sâhiplerinin haklarının miktârlarını değiştirmek veya ortaklardan birinin hakkını yoketmek, yâhut hakkı olmayana pay vermek için yapılan kur'a harâm olur. (İbn-i Âbidîn)
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. to draw lots. 2. to draw straws.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. /ı/ to pull. 2. /ı/ to draw; to haul, drag, tug. 3. /ı/ (for an animal) to pull, draw (a vehicle). 4. /ı/ to pull on (one´s boots, trousers). 5. /ı/ to tow. 6. /ı/ to draw (a weapon). 7. /ı/ to pull, extract (a tooth). 8. /ı/ to attract, draw. 9. /ı/ to absorb. 10. /ı/ (for someone) to inhale, breathe in, inspire (air, smoke); (for a machine, an opening) to suck in, pull in, draw in (air, smoke, a liquid). 11. /ı/ to support, bear, take, carry (a weight, a load): Bu sütun o ağırlığı çekmez. This pillar won´t carry that weight. 12. /ı/ to bear (an expense). 13. /ı/ to bear, endure, put up with, suffer (an illness, pain, sorrow, trouble, a troublesome person). 14. /ı, dan, a/ to take (a harvest) from (the fields) to (a granary, a storehouse). 15. /ı, dan/ to withdraw (a product) from (a market). 16. /ı, dan/ to withdraw (money) from (a bank). 17. /ı, dan/ to get (someone) to give up (a bad habit). 18. /ı, dan/ to clear (goods) through (customs). 19. /ı, dan/ to draw (water) from (a well). 20. /ı/ to distill. 21. (for a chimney) to draw. 22. /ı/ to draw (a line). 23. /ı, a/ to apply (kohl) to. 24. /ı/ to build (a fence, a wall, a barrier); to string up (a curtain). 25. /ı/ to hoist (a flag). 26. /ı/ to lay (a cable); to stretch, string up (a wire, a rope). 27. to weigh, have a weight of; /ı/ to weigh, measure the weight of. 28. /ı/ to draw (lots, chances) (in a lottery). 29. /a, ı/ to send (someone) (an official notice, a telegram, a fax). 30. /ı, a/ to interrupt (someone´s words) in (a specified way). 31. /ı/ to take (a photograph); cin. to shoot (a movie). 32. /ı, da/ to sew (something) on (a sewing machine). 33. /ı/ to grind (coffee, etc.). 34. /ı, a/ to put (one animal) together with (another) so that they will mate. 35. /a/ (for one person) to resemble, take after (another). 36. (for cloth) to shrink. 37. /a, ı/ to give (something) (a coat of paint). 38. /a, ı/ to give (someone) (a beating). 39. /ı/ gram. to conjugate (a verb); to decline (a noun). 40. (for a month) to be (a specified number of days) long; /dan/ (for one place) to be (a specified amount of time) away from (another). 41. /ı/ to deliver, make (a speech). 42. /ı/ to give (a banquet). 43. /ı/ to repair a run in (a woman´s silk or nylon stocking). 44. slang to drink, down (an alcoholic beverage). 45. /a/ slang (for one player or team) to score (points, goals) against (another player or team). 46. /ı/ slang to fill (a specified number of glasses) with (tea, beer, etc.) (used by waiters and barmen):~ İki çay çek! Give me two teas! 47. /a/ slang to hit, sock (someone): Yüzüne öyle bir çekerim ki! I´ll give you a wallop you won´t forget! Çek!/ Çek arabanı! colloq. Clear out!/Get out! çekip çekiştirmek /ı/ to backbite (someone). çekip çevirmek /ı/ 1. to run, manage (a place). 2. to get things running smoothly in (a place). 3. to manage (people). 4. to straighten (someone) out; to set (someone´s house) in order. çekip gitmek to leave, clear out; to slip away. Çekiver kuyruğunu! slang Forget about him/her/them (as he/she/they will be of no use to you)! çekeceği olmak /dan/ (for someone, something) to be a real pain for, make life unpleasant for (used only to refer to the future): Ondan çekeceğimiz var! He´s going to be a real pain!
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-tı penthouse.