
Results for "bira"

Ottoman - Turkish Dictionary


(Ottoman - Turkish Dictionary) :
f. Büyüklenerek, kibirlenerek, büyüklük taslayarak.
Ottoman - Turkish Dictionary


(Ottoman - Turkish Dictionary) :
(Ta'bir. C.) Tabirler. İfade şekilleri. Anlatmalar.
Ottoman - Turkish Dictionary


(Ottoman - Turkish Dictionary) :
(Tekbir. C.) Tekbirler. Tekbir getirmeler.
Dream Dictionary of Phrase


(Dream Dictionary of Phrase) :
Sırları açıklamaya; hastalığa; zorlukla ya da birinin arzusu hilafına gelecek rızka; sevgiliye kavuşmaya yahut yanındaki adamlarından gelecek faydaya, Bira üreticisi öğretmene ya da ustaya, Biracı görmek salih kimse için hayra, fasık kimse için günaha, BBirahane halkın ayak takımına ve fasık insanlara, oraya girip bira içmek haram işlemeye delalet eder.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. /da/ to be left in (a place); /a/ to be left with (someone). 2. impersonal passive /da/ to leave (someone, something) in (a place); /a/ to leave (someone, something) with (someone); /a/ to let (someone) borrow (something). 3. /a/ to be left on or in, be put on or in (a place). 4. /a/ impersonal passive to leave or put (something, someone) on or in (a place). 5. impersonal passive to let go of, stop holding. 6. to be left, be abandoned, be deserted. 7. impersonal passive to leave, desert. 8. impersonal passive to quit (one´s job). 9. impersonal passive to stop doing (work in hand): İşler öyle zırt pırt bırakılır mı? Do you stop working whenever you take a notion? 10. /a/ to be set aside until, be put off until (a future date). 11. /a/ impersonal passive to set aside (something) until, put (something) off until (a future date). 12. /a/ (for a job, a responsibility) to be entrusted to (someone); (for a job, a responsibility) to be handed over to, be turned over to, be relinquished to (someone). 13. /a/ impersonal passive to entrust (a job, a responsibility) to; to hand over or relinquish (a job, a responsibility) to. 14. to be left alone, be left in peace. 15. impersonal passive to leave (someone, something) alone, let (someone, something) be. 16. /a/ impersonal passive to let (one´s hair) hang down to (a specified level). 17. (for a beard, a mustache) to be grown. 18. impersonal passive to grow (a beard, a mustache). 19. /a/ to be given to (someone); to be left to, be bequeathed to (someone). 20. impersonal passive to leave (something) to (someone), let (someone) have (something); to leave (something) to, bequeath. 21. /a, dan/ (for a specified amount of profit) to come to (someone) from (something). 22. impersonal passive (for something) to bring one (a specified amount of profit), leave one with (a specified amount of profit). 23. impersonal passive to give up (a habit). 24. (for a captive person or animal) to be set free. 25. impersonal passive to set (a captive person or animal) free. 26. /a/ to be allowed to (do something). 27. /a/ impersonal passive to allow (someone) to (do something). 28. /a/ to be allowed to go to or into (a place). 29. (for a spouse) to be abandoned, be deserted (by the other). 30. impersonal passive to leave (one´s spouse). 31. to be left in (an undesirable state). 32. impersonal passive to leave (someone, something) (in an undesirable state). 33. (for a student) to be made to repeat a grade. 34. impersonal passive to make (a student) repeat a grade, fail, flunk (a student). 35. /a, dan/ (for something) to be sold to (someone) at (a specified price). 36. /a, dan/ impersonal passive to sell (something) to (someone) for (a specified price).