(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. night, nighttime. 2. evening, eventide. 3. at night. 4. in the evening. 5. overnight. 6. soiree, evening, night, celebration. 7. nocturnal, night. baskını night raid. bekçisi night man, night watchman. gösterisi evening showing or performance (of a film or play). gündüz night and day, continuously. gündüz dememek to take no account of the time of day. yi gündüze katmak to work night and day, work very hard. hayatı night life. niz hayırlı olsun. Good night. işçiliği slang night thieving. işçisi 1. workman on the night shift, night man. 2. slang night burglar. kalmak /da/ to stay overnight (in/at), spend the night (in/at). körlüğü night blindness. kulübü nightclub. kuşu 1. bat; owl, night bird. 2. night person, night owl, nighthawk. 3. night lifer. lambası night-light. maçı sports night game. silahlı, gündüz külahlı someone who is a Jekyll-and -Hyde sort of person. vakti 1. at night. 2. in the evening. vardiyası night shift. yarısı 1. midnight. 2. in the middle of the night. yatısı overnight visit. yatısına gitmek /a/ to go to (someone´s) for an overnight visit, go to (someone´s) to spend the night. yatısına kalmak to be an overnight guest, stay overnight.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. working at night, working on a night shift, night (worker). 2. night worker, worker on a night shift.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-ni (this, tomorrow, yesterday, that) night´s.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. house put up quickly without proper permissions; squatter´s house. 2. a shack of a house, shanty, shack. gibi (building) put up in a hurry.
(Turkish - English dictionary) :
person living in a gecekondu; squatter.