
Results for "tahta"

Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
1. board, plank; batten. 2. board, flat surface: ütü tahtası ironing board. satranç tahtası chessboard. ekmek tahtası breadboard (used when slicing bread). 3. blackboard. 4. sheet (of metal). 5. long, narrow bed (for plants). 6. (something) made of boards, planks, or battens. 7. wooden (implement): tahta kaşık wooden spoon. dan wooden. bezi (a) cloth (used for cleaning the floor), floorcloth. biçmek to saw wood into boards, planks, or battens. sı eksik colloq. (someone) who has a screw loose, who´s not all there, cracked, nutty, Brit. barmy. ya kaldırmak /ı/ (for a teacher) to call (a student) to the blackboard. perde board fence or partition; temporary fence or barrier wall of boards (built around or in front of a construction site), Brit. hoarding.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
,-ni see tahtakurusu.
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
wooden balcony; wooden platform on a roof (in either case usually covered with zinc and used for drying laundry).
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
(a) Takhtadjy (a member of an Anatolian Alaouite group).
Turkish - English dictionary


(Turkish - English dictionary) :
slang 1. the police, the cops, the fuzz. 2. policeman, cop, fuzz.