"ÂYÂ" Kelimesi için arama sonuçları

Türkçe - İngilis lüğət


(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
1. foot. 2. leg. 3. base, pedestal, footing. 4. treadle (of a sewing machine). 5. shaft (of a loom). 6. tributary. 7. outlet (of a lake). 8. step (in stairs). 9. gait, pace. 10. folk poetry rhyme; rhyme word. 11. foot (measure). 12. intersection between two lines or between a line and a plane. ta 1. standing, on one´s feet. 2. excited, aroused. 3. med. ambulatory. tan (satış) (selling meat) on the hoof (as opposed to butchered meat). ını alamamak 1. /dan/ to be unable to refrain (from). 2. to be unable to use one´s feet (because of pains or because they have gone asleep). ı alışmak /a/ to make a habit of going to. ını altına almak to sit on one´s leg. ının altına almak /ı/ 1. to beat, give a beating (to), thrash. 2. to ignore, transgress, violate. 3. to push aside (something useful). lar altına almak /ı/ to trample on, disregard. ının altına karpuz kabuğu koymak /ın/ to scheme to get (someone) fired. ının altında olmak (for a view) to be spread out beneath one. ının/larının altını öpeyim. colloq. For God´s sake. atmak 1. /a/ to go (to) for the first time. 2. to take a step. atmamak /a/ not to go to; to stay away from. ayak üstüne atmak to cross one´s legs. bağı 1. impediment, hindrance, hobble, fetter. 2. person who creates an obligation and responsibility. ının bağını çözmek /ın/ 1. to divorce (one´s wife). 2. to free (someone) to act. ına bağ olmak /ın/ to hinder (one). ına bağ vurmak/ını bağlamak /ın/ to hinder. basmak /a/ 1. to arrive (at), enter. 2. to begin, enter, start (a job). basmamak /a/ not to go to; to stay away from. lar baş, başlar ayak oldu. colloq. The first have become last, the last first./The social order is reversed and upstarts are in charge. bileği 1. ankle. 2. anat. tarsus. ları birbirine dolaşmak to stumble over one´s own feet. ına çabuk quick, quick to come and go. ını çabuk tutmak to hurry, walk quickly. ına çağırmak /ı/ to call (someone) into one´s presence. ını çekmek /dan/ to stop going to (a place). ına çelme takmak /ın/ 1. to trip up. 2. to prevent (another´s) success. ını çıkarmak to take off one´s shoes. değiştirmek to get into step by changing one´s foot (in marching). ını denk/tetik almak to be on one´s guard. ını denk basmak to be careful, be wary. diremek to insist, put one´s foot down. ına dolanmak/dolaşmak 1. to crowd around and create confusion. 2. /ın/ to obstruct. 3. to boomerang, recoil on oneself. ı dolaşmak 1. to trip over one´s own feet. 2. to get flustered and do something wrong. ları dolaşmak to trip on one´s feet, get one´s feet tangled up. ında donu yok, fesleğen ister/takar başına. colloq. She likes to show off regardless of her poverty. ta duramama astasia. ta durmak to stand, remain standing. a düşmek to have outsiders meddling in (a matter). ı düşmek /a/ to drop in on (a place, a house), visit while passing by. ına düşmek /ın/ to beg, implore. ı düze basmak to get over the hard part of something. a fırlamak to jump to one´s feet. freni foot brake. ına geçirmek /ı/ to pull on (one´s trousers). ına (kadar) gelmek /ın/ 1. to make (someone) a personal visit (as an act of deference). 2. (for any desired thing) to come to (one) by itself. ları geri geri gitmek to go reluctantly, drag one´s feet. ına getirmek /ı/ to have (something or someone) brought to one. ına gitmek /ın/ to make (someone) a personal visit (as an act of deference). ını giymek to put on one´s shoes. (kendi) ı ile gelmek 1. to come on one´s own initiative. 2. to fall into one´s lap. ına ip takmak /ın/ to backbite. işi errands and small deeds. izi footprint. a kaldırmak /ı/ 1. to upset, excite (a group). 2. to incite, stir up (a group) to rebellion. a kalkmak 1. to stand up, get up, rise to one´s feet. 2. to recover and get out of bed. 3. to get excited, be aroused. ta kalmak 1. to be left without a seat. 2. to remain standing; to have lasted. ına/larına kara su/ sular inmek to be exhausted from standing. ını kaydırmak /ın/ to get (someone) fired. ını kesmek 1. /dan/ to stop going (to). 2. /ın, dan/ to get (someone) to stop going (to). kirası tip given to a person who brings a message or an article to one. makinesi treadle sewing machine. ını/larını öpeyim. colloq. I beg you./I implore you. ının pabucunu başına giymek 1. to marry an inferior. 2. to raise an inferior to a position above his rank. ına pabuç olamamak/ının pabucu olamamak /ın/ to be inferior to (someone). parmağı toe. satıcısı peddler. sesi footstep. ına sıcak su mu dökelim, soğuk su mu? colloq. How wonderful that you´ve come! Why have you neglected us? ı/ları suya ermek/değmek to be disillusioned, find out the sad truth and come to one´s senses. sürtmek to walk around a great deal. sürümek 1. to look for a way out of a job. 2. to drag one´s feet. ını sürümek 1. to drag one´s feet on a matter. 2. to be on the verge of leaving. 3. to be at the point of death. 4. to delay one´s departure. 5. in popular belief to come and thus be the cause of another´s coming. tarağı anat. metatarsus. tedavisi treatment given in the outpatient clinic of a hospital. ını tek almak to be on one´s guard. ına tez quick, quick to come and go. ının tozu ile having just arrived. ta tutmak /ı/ 1. to keep (someone) standing. 2. to keep (someone) on his feet, keep (someone) out of trouble. 3. to keep (an old custom) alive; to sustain, preserve. ıyla tuzağa düşmek to let oneself fall into a trap. ının türabı olmak /ın/ to be (someone´s) slave. ı uğurlu (one) who brings good luck. uydurmak /a/ 1. to fall in step; to keep in step (with). 2. to conform one´s behavior to. 3. to compose a line which rhymes with (a previous line). ta uyumak to be dead on one´s feet. üstü/üzeri without sitting down, in haste. ını vurmak (for a shoe) to chafe one´s foot. yapmak /a/ slang to dupe, cheat. ı yerden kesilmek 1. to be off the ground. 2. to be saved from walking (by using a vehicle). larını yerden kesmek 1. to ride instead of walking. 2. /ın/ wrestling to lift (one´s opponent) off his feet. ları/ı yere değmemek to be walking on air. ını yorganına göre uzat. proverb Live within your income.
Türkçe - Kurdish lüğət

ayak altına almak

(Türkçe - Kurdish lüğət) :
bir pê kirin.
Türkçe - Fransız lüğət

ayak bileği

(Türkçe - Fransız lüğət) :
Türkçe - İspan lüğət

ayak bileği

(Türkçe - İspan lüğət) :
Türkçe - Kurdish lüğət

ayak bileği kemikleri

(Türkçe - Kurdish lüğət) :
hestiyên bazinê pê.