
Risultati per "gitmek"

Ottomano - Dizionario turco


(Ottomano - Dizionario turco) :
Mc: Kendini zaptedememek, hiddet ve gazaba gelmek, irâdeyi kaybetmek.
Dizionario Inglese - Turco


(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
/ı/ 1. to train. 2. to educate.
Dizionario Inglese - Turco


(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
/ı/ phys. to fuse, melt.
Dizionario Inglese - Turco


(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
,-der 1. to go. 2. /dan, a/ to go from (one place) to (another). 3. /a/ to go to, travel to. 4. to depart, leave. 5. /a/ (for a road) to go to, lead to. 6. /a/ to go to (work); to go to, attend (school). 7. /a/ to lead to (a condition, result, etc.). 8. /a/ to go well with, suit, become. 9. /a/ to go for, be spent on, be used up in. 10. /a/ to be sent (to), be on the way (to). 11. /a/ to last for, be enough for. 12. to last for, stand up for (a period of time). 13. (for a period of time) to pass, be over. 14. to go, be (in a certain condition or state). 15. to be gone, be finished, disappear, vanish. 16. to be worn out, have had it. 17. to be gone, disappear, go, die. 18. to go on (strike, boycott, etc.); to have recourse to, turn to. 19. (for a machine) to work, go. 20. (for a situation, work, etc.) to go, go on, continue. 21. /dan/ to go for, be sold at/for. 22. auxiliary verb to be: Hoşuma gitti. I liked it./It´s good. Tuhafıma gitti. It seemed strange to me./It´s strange. gitsin (after an imperative) ... and be done with it, ... and finish the matter: İmzanı atıver gitsin. Sign it and be done with it. gitti (after a verb in the past tense) 1. certainly, definitely, surely: Bunu gördü mü, darıldı gitti. If he sees it, he´ll certainly get cross. 2. It can´t be helped./It´s too late. 3. however much one tries: Anlatamadım gitti. I could not make myself understood however hard I tried. 4. So be it: Verdim gitti. You can have it. Gidene ağam, gelene paşam. proverb 1. An official is honored only as long as he/she holds his/her position. 2. We honor whoever is put over us. gidip gelmek 1. /a/ to go and return; to go regularly, frequent. 2. to go to and fro. Gidip de gelmemek var, gelip de görmemek/bulmamak var. proverb When you part for a long time remember that you may never see each other again. Gitti de geldi. colloq. He/She escaped from certain death. He/She was as good as dead. Gitti gider. He´s/She´s/It´s gone forever.