
Resultados para "hela"

Diccionario Inglés - Turco


(Diccionario Inglés - Turco) :
,-ki 1. death; murder. 2. destruction. 3. exhaustion, fatigue. etmek /ı/ 1. to destroy, kill. 2. to wear out with fatigue. olmak 1. to perish. 2. to be utterly exhausted.
Diccionario Inglés - Turco


(Diccionario Inglés - Turco) :
,-li 1. Islam canonically lawful, permissible, legitimate. 2. colloq. (lawful) wife. 3. legitimately, by legitimate means. inden 1. legitimately, honestly. 2. willingly. etmek /ı, a/ to give up (a legitimate claim) to (another); to give (something) to (someone) willingly. olsun! 1. It´s all yours!/Take it with my blessing (and enjoy it)! 2. Bravo!/Good for him! para 1. Islam money earned in a canonically lawful way. 2. money that´s been honestly earned, honest earnings. süt emmiş good, upright, worthy (person). ü hoş olsun! 1. It´s all yours!/Take it with my blessing (and enjoy it)! 2. I don´t want anything for what I´ve done!
Diccionario Inglés - Turco


(Diccionario Inglés - Turco) :
colloq., see helalleşmek.
Diccionario Inglés - Turco


(Diccionario Inglés - Turco) :
1. to forgive each other any injury or hurt done knowingly or unknowingly, make amends for all that has past (done before saying farewell, before a battle, or when death appears near). 2. to call it a deal fair and square (on concluding a business agreement).
Diccionario Inglés - Turco


(Diccionario Inglés - Turco) :
1. colloq. (lawful) wife. 2. slang mistress, sweetheart, paramour.