
Resultados para "kafa"

Diccionario Inglés - Turco


(Diccionario Inglés - Turco) :
1. head. 2. mind, mental attitude. 3. intelligence. 4. a large marble, shoooter. ya almak slang 1. /ı/ to silence (a bothersome person). 2. to find the right person (to do a job). sı almamak /ı/ 1. not to be able to understand. 2. to be too tired to understand. 3. not to be able to believe. dan atmak to make up something and try to pass it off as the truth. boşluğu cranial cavity, cavum cranii. sı bozulmak colloq. to blow one´s top, get angry. sı bulanmak to get confused. yı bulmak slang to be pleasantly tipsy (from drink). sı çalışmak to be on the ball. yı çekmek colloq. to do some serious drinking, Brit. have a booze-up. sından çıkarmak /ı/ to put (an idea) out of one´s head. sına dank etmek/demek to dawn on one at last. değiştirmek to change one´s mind; to change one´s way of thinking. dengi 1. kindred spirit. 2. (someone) who is a kindred spirit, like-minded. sının dikine gitmek to go one´s own way, do as one pleases. sı dinç olmak to feel fresh and alert. sı dönmek 1. to be confused and perplexed. 2. to feel dizzy. sı dumanlı 1. tipsy, tight. 2. tired and confused. sı durmak to be too tired to think. dan gayri müsellah colloq. nutty, not quite right in the head. sına girmek /ın/ 1. to make good sense, seem to be right (to). 2. to comprehend, understand. göz yarmak to be awkward and unskillful. işçisi white-collar worker. sı işlemek to be on the ball. sı izinli olmak slang for one´s mind to be elsewhere; to wool-gather. kafaya vermek to put their heads together. kalmamak /da/ to be so worn out one can´t think. sı karışmak (for someone) to get confused. sını kaşıyacak vakti olmamak to be too busy to think, not to have time to turn around. sı kazan (gibi) olmak for one´s head to be ringing (from noise); to feel fuddled (after a lot of mental effort). sını kızdırmak /ın/ to make (someone´s) blood boil. sı kızmak to get angry. dan kontak colloq. cracked, nutty, touched in the head. sına koymak /ı/ to get hold of (some idea); to take it into one´s head (to do something). sını kullanmak to use one´s head. sını kurcalamak /ın/ to make (one) think. patlatmak to do a lot of hard mental work. dan sakat colloq. cracked, nutty, touched in the head. sallamak to rubber-stamp everything, be a yes-man. sına sığmamak not to be able to comprehend. sında şimşek çakmak to get a sudden inspiration. şişirmek (for noise, a complicated problem) to drive one crazy, make one unable to think straight. sı şişmek for one´s head to be ringing (from noise); to feel fuddled (after a lot of mental effort). sına takılıp kalmak to stick in one´s mind, not to leave one´s mind. sı taşa çarpmak to learn something the hard way. sını taştan taşa çarpmak/vurmak 1. to regret bitterly a lost opportunity. 2. to feel very remorseful. tutmak /a/ to defy; to oppose challengingly. yı tütsülemek slang to get tight, get tipsy. ütülemek slang to talk someone to death, talk someone´s ear off. sına vur, ekmeğini elinden al. colloq. He is so meek you can walk all over him. sına vura vura by force. sına vurmak (for drink) to go to one´s head. sını vurmak /ın/ to behead. yı (yere) vurmak 1. to hit the sack, hit the hay. 2. to take to one´s bed, get laid up (owing to illness). vuruşu soccer header. yağı slang sperm, semen. sı yerinde olmamak to wool-gather; for one´s mind to be elsewhere. sı yerine gelmek to come back to earth; to start thinking straight again. yormak to ponder, think hard, rack one´s brains.
Diccionario Inglés - Turco


(Diccionario Inglés - Turco) :
1. kindred spirit; chum, crony, mate. 2. (someone) who is a kindred spirit, like-minded.
Diccionario Inglés - Turco


(Diccionario Inglés - Turco) :
1. being a kindred spirit or chum. 2. like-mindedness.
Diccionario Inglés - Turco


(Diccionario Inglés - Turco) :
,-nı colloq. official identity card.
Diccionario Inglés - Turco


(Diccionario Inglés - Turco) :
colloq. (someone) who has a head on his/her shoulders, brainy.