(Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük) :
,-ti 1. fixing, making (something) fast, stable, or secure. 2. fixing, setting (prices). 3. setting (a bone). 4. establishing, determining. 5. determining the nature of (a crime). 6. mil. holding (the enemy), keeping (the enemy) busy (with a small force while the main force is on the move). banyosu phot. fixing bath. davası law declaratory action. etmek /ı/ 1. to fix, make (something) fast. 2. to fix, set (prices). 3. to set (a bone). 4. to establish, determine. 5. to determine the nature of (a crime). 6. mil. (for a small force) to hold or keep (the enemy) busy (while the main force is on the move). kuşağı tie rod, tie bar.