
Risultati per "kayıt"

Dizionario Inglese - Turco


(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
,-ydı 1. enrollment, registration. 2. entering (something) (in a record book); noting (something) down. 3. entry (in a record book). 4. giving importance to. 5. restriction, limitation, restraint. 6. formerly fetter, shackle. 7. any of the four pieces comprising a wooden frame. altında restricted. altına girmek to become bound by restrictions. defteri register, record book. a değer noteworthy. tan düşmek /ı/ to delete (an entry) (in a register). a geçirmek /ı/ to register, enter in a register. kuyut restrictions. kuyut tanımamak to pay no attention to restrictions. ları nakletmek /a/ to post items in (a ledger). ını silmek /ın/ to delete (an entry) from a record book; to expunge (someone´s) name from a register.
Dizionario Inglese - Turco


(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
/ı/ 1. to enroll, register. 2. to enter in (a record book); to note down. 3. to restrict, make (something) bound by restrictions.
Dizionario Inglese - Turco


(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
1. enrolled, registered. 2. entered, recorded (in a record book); noted down. 3. bound by restrictions/a restriction.
Dizionario Inglese - Turco


(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
1. unconcerned, indifferent. 2. unregistered, unrecorded. 3. unrestricted. kalmak /a/ to be indifferent (to). şartsız unconditionally, with no restrictions whatsoever, with no strings attached. şartsız teslim unconditional surrender.
Dizionario Inglese - Turco


(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
unconcern, indifference.