(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
,-ğı/-kı 1. clear, limpid, pellucid (liquid, style of writing or speaking). 2. clear, crystalline, pellucid (sky, weather). 3. clear and lovely (voice, sound). 4. brilliant; lustrous; gleaming; sparkling.
(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
1. (for a liquid, a style of writing or speaking) to become clear, become limpid; to acquire a limpidity. 2. (for the sky or weather) to become clear, become pellucid; to acquire a pellucidity. 3. (for a voice or sound) to become clear and lovely; to acquire a lovely clarity.
(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
/ı/ 1. to clarify, make (a liquid) clear or free of unwanted solid matter. 2. to cause (someone´s style of writing or speaking) to become limpid. 3. to make (the sky) pellucid. 4. to give clarity to (a voice).
(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
1. limpidity, pellucidity (of a liquid, a style of writing or speaking). 2. pellucidity (of the sky, of weather). 3. lovely clarity (of a voice or sound). 4. brilliance; luster; sparkle.