(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
sinless, innocent; blameless, irreproachable.
(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
1. sin. 2. crime, shame, sin. 3. blame, fault. ını almak/ına girmek /ın/ to accuse (someone) wrongly. benden gitti. You can either ignore my advice or follow it; but if you ignore it, don´t blame me if anything goes wrong. ı/vebali boynuna. colloq. On his/her/your head be it!/ The responsibility is his/hers/yours! ını çekmek /ın/ to suffer for (another´s) sins. çıkarmak 1. to confess one´s sins (to a priest). 2. to confess one´s faults. ına değmemek not to be worth the candle, not to be worth the trouble or effort. a girmek/ işlemek to sin, commit a sin. ı kadar sevmemek /ı/ to hate (someone) like poison. keçisi scapegoat. olmak (for something) to be sinful, be wicked, be reprehensible. a sokmak /ı/ 1. to make (someone) sin. 2. to push (someone) into wrongdoing, drive (someone) to sin. ını vermez. colloq. He is very stingy.
(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
1. sinful, reprobate (person). 2. sinner, reprobate. 3. colloq. prostitute.
(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :
(Dizionario Inglese - Turco) :