(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
1. stereotyped. 2. conventional, cliché.
(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
1. mold, matrix. 2. form; hat block; shoe last. 3. template; pattern, model. 4. bar, cake, piece (of something). 5. imposing appearance. 6. shape. ının adamı olmamak not to be the man one seems to be. ını almak /ın/ to take a mold (of). ını basmak /a/ colloq. 1. to affirm (something) with conviction. 2. to support (something) enthusiastically. a çekmek /ı/ 1. to give proper form or shape (to), shape, mold. 2. slang to have intercourse with, *fuck. ını çıkarmak /ın/ to take a mold of. ı değiştirmek/dinlendirmek slang to die, croak, kick the bucket, give up the ghost. a dökmek /ı/ to cast, pour (something) into a mold. a geçirmek /ı/ to block (a hat or fez); to put (a shoe) on a last. gibi serilmek (for a very tired person) to lie stretched out like a log. gibi uyumak to sleep like a log. gibi yatmak to lie still, lie without moving a muscle. tan kalıba girmek colloq. 1. to change one´s ideas whenever one finds it expedient. 2. to change jobs often. 3. (for the nature of a job) to be changing constantly. kesilmek to be petrified. kıyafet yerinde/ı kıyafeti yerinde imposing and well-dressed (man). a koymak /ı/ to put (a shoe) on a last or tree. a vurmak /ı/ to put (a hat or fez) on a block.
(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
1. maker or seller of molds. 2. one who makes castings. 3. blocker, molder.
(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
blocking, reshaping.
(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
/ı/ 1. to block, mold. 2. to press (a material) into a mold. 3. to test (something) with a template.