(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
1. mixing, mingling. 2. interference, meddling. 3. med. complication.
(Türkçe - İngilis lüğət) :
1. /la/ to mix (with), be mixed (with); to be dispersed (in). 2. to get mixed up, become confused, become jumbled. 3. (for water) to become rough or turbid. 4. /a/ to interfere (in), meddle (in). 5. /a/ to flow into (another river). 6. /a/ to join, become a part of. 7. /a/ to be responsible for, deal (with), be in charge (of), exercise control (over). Karışma. Mind your own business./Don´t interfere. Karışmam. 1. It´s none of my business. 2. I don´t want to have anything to do with it. 3. Don´t blame me if things go wrong. karışanı görüşeni olmamak to be free from interference, be able to act exactly as one sees fit.