
Résultats pour "ırk"

Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire


(Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire) :
/ı/ 1. to startle. 2. med. to inflame.
Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire


(Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire) :
1. pool of water, puddle. 2. start, being startled.
Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire


(Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire) :
,-kı 1. forty. 2. very many; far too many. anahtar sahibi/ anahtarlı man of property; very rich person. bir buçuk maşallah!/ bir kere maşallah! colloq. May no harm befall him/her/it! ı çıkmak /ın/ for forty days to have passed (after a woman has given birth/after a baby has been born/after someone has died). /bin dereden su getirmek to find all kinds of excuses. evin kedisi person who is always in and out of other people´s houses. ikindi afternoon rains (which continue about forty days in certain regions of Anatolia). kapının ipini çekmek to go to or apply to many places. ları karışmak to be born with-in the same forty-day period. ından sonra azanı teneşir paklar./ından sonra azana çare bulunmaz. proverb If a middle-aged man starts acting like a randy young buck, it won´t be long until he kicks the bucket. ından sonra azmak to start behaving like a randy young buck after one has reached middle age. ından sonra saz çalmak to take up something rather late in life. /her tarakta bezi olmak to have one´s finger in many pies; to be involved in many different things. yılın başı/başında/ yılda bir very seldom, once in a blue moon. yıllık Kâni, olur mu Yani? proverb Can a leopard change its spots?
Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire


(Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire) :
1. place or container full of miscellaneous things. 2. person of encyclopedic knowledge. 3. seller of miscellaneous items. 4. naut. mixed cargo. 5. slang unburnt tobacco extracted from cigarette butts.
Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire


(Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire) :
forty at a time; forty each.