(Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire) :
1. clanging sound. 2. slang money, spondulicks. 3. completely empty. 4. slang penniless, flat broke. elek tıngır saç, elim hamur karnım aç. colloq. My labors benefit everybody but me. elek, tıngır tas colloq. (place) which hardly has a stick of furniture in it. mıngır 1. with a clanging sound. 2. slowly. tıngır 1. with a continual clanging or rattling sound. 2. completely empty.
(Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire) :
1. (for a metal object) to clang, rattle. 2. slang to die, croak, kick the bucket, give up the ghost.
(Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire) :
/ı/ 1. to make (a metal object) clang or rattle. 2. to strum, thrum, or twang (a stringed instrument).
(Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire) :
1. metallic clang or rattle. 2. strum, thrum, or twang (of a stringed instrument). 3. slang sexual intercourse, sex, nooky.