
Résultats pour "çıkmak"

Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire


(Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire) :
to feel hungry.
Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire


(Turc - Anglais Dictionnaire) :
1. /dan/ to go out (of), come out (of), emerge (from). 2. /dan/ (for one thing) to come from, be made from, be produced from (another). 3. /dan/ to graduate from, finish (a school, a university). 4. /dan/ to leave, depart (from) (a place). 5. /a/ to go to (a place); to go on (an outing): Çarşıya çıktı. She´s gone to the market. Tatile çıktılar. They´ve gone on vacation. 6. /a/ to go out in order to, go out to (do something): Köpeğini aramaya çıktı. She went out to look for her dog. 7. /dan/ to result from, be the fruit of. 8. /dan/ (for there to be enough of one thing) to make another or to meet a need: Bu kumaştan bir ceket çıkar mı? Is there enough of this cloth to make a sport coat? Kiradan vergi paramız çıkar mı? Will the rent be enough to cover our taxes? 9. /dan/ math. to be subtracted from. 10. (for something) to come off; to fall off; to come loose. 11. to stick out, protrude. 12. (for something) to appear, become visible; (for hair, a beard, seeds) to sprout. 13. (for a stain) to come out, disappear. 14. (for a color) to bleed, run; /a/ to come off on, stain. 15. /dan/ to have to spend, be obliged to spend (money). 16. (for a part of the body) to be dislocated, suffer dislocation. 17. /dan/ (for someone) to come out of, emerge from (a situation) (in a specified state): Merak etme, bu işten kârlı çıkacağız. Don´t worry; we´re going to finish this job in the black. 18. /dan/ to cease to be (the holder of a specified job): Memurluktan çıkalı yirmi yıl oldu. I haven´t been a government employee for twenty years. 19. /dan/ no longer to merit (the name he/she/it has gone by), cease to be (what he/she/it has been known to be): Palto olmaktan çıktı bu. You can no longer call this a coat. 20. /a/ to climb; to climb up to. 21. /a/ to go to see (a government official, an important person) (in his/her office or reception room). 22. /da/ (for one sort of thing) to be found in (another thing); (for a particular sort of person) to be found in or among (a group of persons): Sütte zararlı mikroplar çıktı. Harmful microbes were found in the milk. 23. /a/ (for something) to come (one´s) way: Piyangodan bana hiçbir şey çıkmadı. I won nothing whatsoever in the lottery. Bugün bana postadan mektup çıktı. I happened to get a letter today. 24. to go out, show oneself in public. 25. /la/ to go out with, date (someone). 26. (often with önüne or karşısına) unexpectedly to appear, unexpectedly to come on the scene, crop up, pop up. 27. /a/ to cost (a specified amount). 28. /a/ to play the rôle of, appear in the rôle of (a specified character). 29. /a/ (for something) to extend as far as (a specified place). 30. /a/ to land at, disembark at; to deplane at; to detrain at. 31. (for news, a rumor) to circulate; (for a book, newspaper, etc.) to be published. 32. /a/ (for one person) to confront, oppose (another) (in a contest). 33. /ı/ to build (a story of a building); /a, ı/ to add (a story) to (a building). 34. (for someone) to turn out to be (of a specified character, profession, rank, etc.); (for something) to turn out to be (of a specified nature): Senden sessiz çıktı. He turned out to be quieter than you. Onlardan biri hekim çıktı. One of them turned out to be a doctor. Yoğurt ekşi çıktı. The yogurt turned out to be sour. 35. (for something, often something unpleasant) to occur, happen: Şimdi kavga çıkacak. There´s going to be a quarrel now. 36. (for an order, a command) to be given; (for a law) to be made. 37. (for something) to become available at a specified time or to come into being for the first time: Maaşlar yarın çıkacak. We can get our salaries tomorrow. Çilek çıktı. Strawberries have come on the market. Kitap yeni çıktı. The book´s just been published. Bilgisayar diye bir şey çıktı. They´ve come out with something called a ´´computer.´´ 38. (for a season, a month) to be at an end, be over. 39. (for a price, a temperature) to rise, increase. 40. (for the sun, the moon) to rise. 41. colloq. to have a BM, defecate. 42. (for a dream, a prophecy) to come true. 43. to move house, move; /a/ to move to (a place); /dan/ to move from (a place). 44. /ı/ slang to hand over, cough up, fork over (money).