( Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch) :
1. /ı, a/ to get (someone, something) to (a place) in time. 2. /ı, a/ to have (one person) catch up with (another). 3. /ı, a/ to get (something) done or ready in time for. 4. /ı, a/ to bring (one person) to the aid of (another) in time. 5. /ı, a/ to make (one thing) reach (another): İpi o ağaca yetiştiremiyorum. I can´t make the rope reach that tree. 6. /ı/ to make (something) suffice. 7. /ı/ to raise (children, animals, plants). 8. /ı/ to train (animals). 9. /ı/ to educate. 10. /ı, a/ to enable (someone) to live long enough to know (someone, something); to enable (someone) to be born early enough to know (someone, something). 11. /ı, a/ to tell (someone) (something that he wasn´t meant to hear).