
"kanaat" Die Ergebnisse der Suche nach dem Wort

 Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch


( Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch) :
,-ti 1. opinion, belief; conviction: umumi kanaat public opinion. kanaatimce in my opinion. 2. believing, being of the opinion that: Paşanın bizi ziyaret edeceğine kanaatim yok. I don´t believe the pasha´s going to visit us. 3. being content with what one has, contentment with what one has. 4. being satisfied with a small or a moderate amount; frugality; moderation. 5. acceptance of what fate metes out to one. (bir) beslemek to cherish the idea of ...: Beni yanlarına alacaklar diye bir kanaat besliyor. He cherishes the idea of their taking him along. dönemi semester (of an academic year). etmek 1. /la or a/ to be content with, be satisfied with; to content oneself with. 2. /a/ to accept (what fate metes out to one). getirmek /a/ to be convinced, be persuaded, believe. notu final grade (given at the end of either a semester or a school year). notu dönemi semester (of an academic year). inde olmak to believe, be of the opinion that ...: Bir büyünün vaziyeti değiştireceği kanaatinde değilim. I don´t think a magic spell will change things. sahibi 1. person who is content with what he has. 2. person who is content with little. 3. person who accepts what fate metes out to him. uyandırmak /da/ to give (someone) (a certain) idea: Öyle yaparsan herkeste kötü bir kanaat uyandırırsın. If you do that you´ll cause people to think badly of you.
 Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch


( Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch) :
1. (someone) who is content with what he has. 2. (someone) who is content with little. 3. (someone) who accepts what fate metes out to him.
 Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch


( Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch) :
1. being content with what one has. 2. being content with little. 3. acceptance of what fate metes out to one.
 Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch


( Türkisch - Englisch Wörterbuch) :
see kanaatkâr.